contract dredging
for over 35 years.
Experienced staff. Portable equipment. Innovative solutions.
Lakes and Canals
From residential lakes and canals to commercial cleanup, we have the experience and expertise to complete various dredging projects. We took on our first canal based project in 1990 for the City of Naples, Florida and have complete more than 30 lake projects. We work with homeowner associations, municipalities, and businesses to keep waterways open. All our dredges can be transported on a single truck to keep mobilization costs low.
Environmental Disposal
Population density, space limitations, and recent legislation on environmental contaminants have completely changed the disposal landscape. On most of our projects, we use geotextile tubes and polymer injection to capture sediments and return clarified water to the dredge area.
We have also developed proprietary techniques to separate sand from our dredge discharge. The process decreases the amount of sediment for disposal and provides sand that can be put to beneficial use.
Residue Ponds
The disposal of scrubber sludge, fly ash, bottom ash, lime sludge, alum sludge, etc. have undergone major regulatory changes. We have experiences dewatering these materials and transporting them to certified landfills. We pride ourselves in having numerous utilities as repeat customers, some for nearly 30 years.
Permits and Regulations
We can provide permitting and engineering services. We constantly work with local and state governments to ensure compliance with their permitting requirements as well as Federal compliance for dredging and land disturbance (e.g. Department of Natural Resources and The US Army Corps of Engineers).